Influence of the Manufacturing Process of a Claw-Pole Alternator on Its Stator Shape and Acoustic Noise

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Tan-Kim, Antoine | Hagen, Nicolas | Lanfranchi, Vincent | Clenet, Stephane | Coorevits, Thierry | Mipo, Jean-Claude | Legranger, Jerome | Palleschi, Frédéric

Edité par HAL CCSD

International audience. This paper shows the influence of the manufacturing process of a claw-pole alternator on its acoustic noise. First, the stator welds and the assembly of the stator in the brackets are linked to deformations of the inner diameter of the stator. Then, the influences of these deformations on the magnetic forces and the subsequent acoustic noise are investigated. Results show that the deformations caused by the manufacturing process significantly increase the sound power level of particular orders.

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