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End Notes

Archive ouverte: Type de document indéfini

Pisano, Raffaele | 2021-02-02

International audience. Lazare Carnot uses the terms force and puissance interchangeably and without additional specification. As proposed above, we will use the modern term, force. Moment–of–Activity is one of the ...

Historical Details of Coulomb’s Torsional Forces in Metal Wires

Archive ouverte: Communication dans un congrès

Oliveira, Agamenon | 2022-04-28

International audience. The theoretical and experimental research carried out by Charles Augustin Coulomb (1736–1806) to calculate torsional forces in metal wires had two objectives: 1) based on the Newtonian mechan...

Essay on machines in general (1786): Text, translations and commentaries. L...

Archive ouverte: Type de document indéfini

Pisano, Raffaele | 2021-02-02

International audience

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