The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order / Samuel P. Huntington


Huntington, Samuel Phillips (1927-2008). Auteur

Edited by Touchstone. London, New York - 1998

1. A world of civilization. The new era in world politics. Civilization in history and today. A universal civilization? Modernization and Westernization. 2. The shifting balance of civilizations. The fading of the West: power, culture, and indigenization. Economics, demography, and the challenger civilizations. 3. The emerging order of civilizations. The cultural reconfiguration of global politics. Core states, concentric circles, and civilization shifting. 4. Clashes of civilizations. The West and the rest: intercivilizational issues. The global politics of civilizations --From transition wars to fault line wars. The dynamics of fault line wars. 5. The future of civilizations. The West, civilizations and civilization.

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