International Business / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
Livre | Czinkota, Michael R.. Auteur | 2005
Rigorously updated international business textbook by a global author team, which balances conceptual understanding of business theory and the day-to-day realities of business practice. Includes a suite of new cases studies and up...
Marketing : best practices / Michael R. Czinkota [and others]
Livre | Czinkota, Michael R.. Auteur | 2000
Introduction to marketing. The marketing environment and social responsibility. International marketing. Marketing research and information systems. Consumer behavior. Business-to-business marketing. Market segmentation and target...
International marketing / Michael Czinkota, Ilkka Ronkainen, Gilbert Zvobgo
La quatrième de couverture indique : "Globalization is the growing interdependence of national economies - involving primarily customers, producers, suppliers and governments in different markets. Global marketing therefore reflec...
International marketing / Michael Czinkota, Ilkka Ronkainen, Gilbert Zvobgo
Livre | Czinkota, Michael R.. Auteur | 2011
Global brand strategy : world-wise marketing in the age of branding / Jan-B...
"Steenkamp introduces the global brand value chain and explains how brand equity factors into shareholder value. The book equips executives with techniques for developing strategy, organizing execution, and measuring results so th...
International marketing / Pervez N. Ghauri, Philip Cateora
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