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Purchasing and supply chain management / Arjan J. van Weele
Edited by Cengage Learning, EMEA - 2018
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management provides a complete introduction to the important principles underlying the subject area using a flexible managerial perspective. Fully updated, this highly respected textbook covers the latest developments in purchasing and supply chain management with clear and well-structured content complemented by strong case studies that are relevant and engaging. Global examples from Shell, Hewlett Packard, Mattel and Nespresso to name a few, demonstrate the challenges and solutions to problems companies face every day, while the latest research insights add a critical perspective throughout
SECTION I Core concepts; 1 The role of purchasing in the value chain; 2 Industrial buying behaviour: Decision-making in purchasing; 3 The purchasing management process; 4 Buying business services; 5 Contract management for complex projects; 6 Public Procurement; SECTION II Strategy and planning; 7 Purchasing and business strategy; 8 Outsourcing and risk management; 9 Category sourcing: developing effective sourcing strategies; 10 Purchasing, innovation and quality management; 11 Purchasing, logistics and supply chain management; 12 Purchasing organization; 13 Performance measurement and governance in purchasing; SECTION III Special topics; 14 Supplier management: cost approaches and techniques; 15 Purchasing, corporate social responsibility and integrity.