Internet research ethics for the social age : new challenges, cases, and contexts / edited by Michael Zimmer and Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda


Edité par Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. - 2017

The continuous evolution of internet and related social media technologies and platforms have opened up vast new means for communication, socialization, expression, and collaboration. They also have provided new resources for researchers seeking to explore, observe, and measure human opinions, activities, and interactions. However, those using the internet and social media for research - and those tasked with facilitating and monitoring ethical research such as ethical review boards - are confronted with a continuously expanding set of ethical dilemmas. 'Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Challenges, Cases, and Contexts' directly engages with these discussions and debates, and stimulates new ways to think about - and work towards resolving - the novel ethical dilemmas we face as internet and social media-based research continues to evolve. The chapters in this book - from an esteemed collection of global scholars and researchers - offer extensive reflection about current internet research ethics and suggest some important reframings of well-known concepts such as justice, privacy, consent, and research validity, as well as providing concrete case studies and emerging research contexts to learn from

Introduction / Michael Zimmer & Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda. Internet research ethics : twenty years later / Elizabeth Buchanan. Challenges. Recasting justice for internet and online industry research ethics / Anna Lauren Hoffmann & Anne Jonas. A feminist perspective on ethical digital methods / M.E. Luka, Mélanie Millette & Jacqueline Wallace. Sorting things out ethically : privacy as a research issue beyond the individual / Tobias Matzner & Carsten Ochs. Chasing isis : network power, distributed ethics and responsible social media research / Jonathon Hutchinson, Fiona Martin & Aim Sinpeng. Lost umbrellas : bias and the right to be forgotten in social media research / Rebekah Tromble & Daniela Stockmann. Bad judgment, bad ethics? validity in computational social media / Cornelius Puschmann. To share or not to share : ethical challenges in sharing social media-based research data / Katrin Weller & Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda. "We tend to err on the side of caution" : ethical challenges facing canadian research ethics boards when overseeing internet research / Yukari Seko & Stephen P. Lewis. Internet research ethics in a non-western context / Soraj Hongladarom. Cases. Living labs : an ethical challenge for researchers and platform providers / Philipp Schaer. Ethics of using online commercial crowdsourcing sites for academic research : the case of amazon's mechanical turk / Matthew Pittman & Kim Sheehan. Museum ethnography in the digital age : ethical considerations / Natalia Grincheva. Participant anonymity and participant observations : situating the researcher within digital ethnography / James Robson. The social age of "it's not a private problem" : case study of ethical and privacy concerns in a digital ethnography of south asian blogs against intimate partner violence / Ishani Mukherjee. Studying closed communities on-line : digital methods and ethical considerations beyond informed consent and anonymity / Ylva Hard af Segerstad, Christine Howes, Dick Kasperowsk & Christopher Kullenberg. An ethical inquiry about youth suicide prevention using social media mining / Amaia Eskisabel Azpiazu, Rebeca Cerezo-Menéndez & Daniel Gayo-Avello. Death, affect and the ethical challenges of outing a griefsquatter / Lisbeth Klastrup. Locating locational data in mobile and social media / Lee Humphreys. How does it feel to be visualized? : redistributing ethics / David Moats & Jess Perriam. Contexts. Negotiating consent, compensation, and privacy in internet research : as a case study / Robert Douglas Ferguson. The ethics of using hacked data : patreon's data hack and academic data standards / Nathaniel Poor. The ethics of sensory ethnography : virtual reality fieldwork in zones of conflict / Jeff Shuter & Ben Burroughs. Images of faces gleaned from social media in social psychological research on sexual orientation / Patrick Sweeney. Twitter research in the disaster context ¿ ethical concerns for working with historical datasets. Martina wengenmeir. Epilogue: internet research ethics for the social age / Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda & Michael Zimmer. Contributor. Biographies.

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