Romeo and Juliet in european culture / edited by Juan F. Cerdá, Dirk Delabastita, Keith Gregor


Cerdá, Juan F. (19..-). Directeur de publication | Delabastita, Dirk (1960-....). Directeur de publication | Gregor, Keith (1960-....). Directeur de publication

Edited by John Benjamins Publishing Company - 2017

With its roots deep in ancient narrative and in various reworkings from the late medieval and early modern period, Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' has left a lasting trace on modern European culture. This volume aims to chart the main outlines of this reception process by considering not only critical-scholarly responses but also translations, adaptations, performances and various material and digital interventions which have, from the standpoint of their specific local contexts, contributed significantly to the consolidation of 'Romeo and Juliet' as an integral part of Europe's cultural heritage. Moving freely across Europe's geography and history, and reflecting an awareness of political and cultural backgrounds, it suggests that Shakespeare's tragedy of youthful love has never ceased to impose itself on us as a way of articulating connections between the local and the European and the global in cases where love and hatred get in each other's way

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