Biological nature and dignity of the human person : proceedings of the 17 W...
Livre | 1990
Contemporary Catholic health care ethics / David F. Kelly, Gerard Magill, H...
Livre | Kelly, David F.. Auteur | 2013
Religion and health care. The dignity of human life. The integrity of the human person. The implications for health care. Theological principles in health care ethics. The levels and questions of ethics. Freedom and the moral agen...
Can a health care market be moral? : a Catholic vision / Mary J. McDonough
Livre | McDonough, Mary J.. Auteur | 2007
"Drawing on Catholic social teachings from St. Augustine to Pope John Paul II, McDonough reviews health system successes and failures from around the world and assesses market approaches to health care as proposed by leading econo...
Contemporary Catholic health care ethics / David F. Kelly
Livre | Kelly, David F.. Auteur | 2004
pt. I. Theological basis. 1. Religion and health care. 2. The dignity of human life. 3. The integrity of the human person. 4. The implications for health care. 5. Theological principles in health care ethics. pt. II. Method. 6. Th...
Health care ethics : a theological analysis / Benedict M. Ashley,... Kevin ...
pt. 1. The health seeker: 1. On being human. 2. Health and disease. 3. Personal responsibility for health. pt. 2. The healing profession: Response of the community to the health needs of persons: 4. The health care profession. 5. ...
Health and human flourishing : religion, medicine, and moral anthropology /...
Livre | 2006
Theological anthropology and bioethics / Roberto dell'Oro. Vulnerability, agency, and human flourishing / Alisa L. Carse. Pluralism, truthfulness, and the patience of being / William Desmond. Dignity and the human as a natural kin...
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