The thank you economy / Gary Vaynerchuk


Vaynerchuk, Gary (1975-....). Auteur

Edited by Harper Business - 2011

It's easy to think of business sales as one-sided transactions: good productions pumped into the hands of production-hungry consumers. But according to Gary Vaynerchuk, those one-way exchanges no longer tell the true story of what's really on in the American marketplace. Using example after example, he explains how our new Thank You Economy is superseding old models with its combination of constant communication, honesty, responsiveness, quality, and value

How everything has changed, except human nature. Erasing lines in the sand. Why smart people dismiss social media, and why they shouldn't. From the top: Instill the right culture. The perfect date: Traditional media meets social. I'm on a horse: How Old Spice played ping-pong, then dropped the ball. Intent: Quality versus quantity. Shock and awe. Avaya: Going where the people go. AJ Bombers: Communicating with the community. Joie de Vivre hotels: Caring about the big and little stuff. Irena Vaksman, DDS: A small practice cuts its teeth on social media. Hank Heyming: A brief example of well-executed culture and intent. More thoughts on .... How to win in the thank you economy, the quick version.

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