Responsible leadership / edited by Nicola M. Pless and Thomas Maak


Pless, Nicolas. Éditeur scientifique | Maak, Thomas (1964-....). Éditeur scientifique

Edité par Routledge - 2022 - 2nd edition.

La quatrième de couverture indique : "The second edition of Responsible Leadership offers orienting knowledge on how to lead in a world of contested values-a world where leadership work extends beyond leaders and direct reports to a whole range of stakeholders inside and outside an organization. The new edition comes at a time where leaders face growing expectations to do better, and more, and where leadership challenges such as the ethical tragedy of climate change and global pandemics highlight the urgency of collective action. Updated and significantly extended, the second edition of this much acclaimed volume assembles leading scholars and practitioners in the field. It includes new chapters on inclusive leadership, the study of responsible leadership, the purpose of organizations, authenticity and values, virtuous leadership, irresponsible leadership, the paradoxical nature of responsible leadership, responsible leadership in context and in Asia, on artistic expression to enable responsible leadership, responsible leadership measurement, and new directions for responsible leadership. This volume offers rich and functional insights into the concept and practice of responsible leadership. It will appeal to academics and practitioners alike with a wide array of perspectives grounded in pioneering scholarship and best practice"

Introduction: the ongoing quest for responsible leadership in business. Part I. What is responsible leadership?. Why ethics is at the heart of leadership. Responsible leadership-a relational approach. Inclusive leadership for our global era. Reflections on the study of responsible leadership. Responsible leadership and societal purpose: reframing the purpose of business as pursuing good dividends. Values, authenticity, and responsible leadership. Responsible leadership as virtuous leadership. A compass for decision making. Responsible leadership: a shift from individual leaders to leader relations. (Ir)responsible followership. Part II. What makes a leader responsible?. Different approaches toward doing the right thing: mapping the responsibility orientations of leaders. Exploring the paradoxical nature of responsible leadership. Servant leadership and virtues from an Aristotelian viewpoint. Moral intelligence: leadership in a world of contested values. Developing responsible leadership: the case of Fabio Barbosa. Part III. Responsible leadership in and across cultures. Leading responsibly across cultures. Towards responsible leadership through reconciling dilemmas. Leading responsibly in the Asian-led digital age: toward a theory of virtuous responsible leadership. Responsible leadership in context: four frames and two nations. Part IV. How to develop responsible leadership. Principle-based leadership: lessons from the Caux Round Table. Responsible leadership and transformative cross-sector partnering. The development of responsible leaders: a case study of a responsible leader in Colombia. The Ulysses Program and the development of globally responsible leaders in a VUCA world. Dialogarchitecture: an artistic co-creation process to enable responsible leadership learning and implementation. Part V. Conclusion. Responsible leadership: new directions in the 2020s and beyond. Responsible leadership and the micro-foundations of CSR: introducing a measure of CSR quality.

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