Digital entrepreneurship : management, systems and practice / Vincenzo Morabito,...


Morabito, Vincenzo (1968-). Auteur

Edited by Cambridge University Press - 2022

comprehensive guide to digital entrepreneurship, bridging academic research and industry practice. Morabito provides a strategic overview of the main challenges and trends related to digital entrepreneurship, structured in three parts. Part I focuses on strategy and management issues, guiding readers through the theory and practice of building, implementing and growing new digital ventures and outlining the skills that are necessary for digital entrepreneurs to succeed and lead. Part II focuses on digital business systems, describing the main technological aspects that support and comprise the core infrastructure for digital entrepreneurship, including social media and the Internet of Things. Finally, Part III provides analyses of three core industries in which digital ventures are particularly important: fintech, manufacturing and fashion. Digital Entrepreneurship will appeal to students and researchers in the areas of digital strategy/innovation and information systems management. It will also be of interest to practitioners looking to develop or innovate digital ventures.

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