Global crises, global solutions / edited by Bjørn Lomborg


Lomborg, Bjørn (1965-....). Directeur de publication

Edited by Cambridge university press - 2009

Air pollution / Bjørn Larsen with Guy Hutton and Neha Khanna ; Alternative perspectives / Jitendra Shah. The security challenge in conflict-prone countries / Paul Collier, Lisa Chauvet, and Håvard Hegre ; Alternative perspectives / Ibrahim A. Elbadawi, Andrew Mack. Disease control / Dean T. Jamison, Prabhat Jha, and David E. Bloom ; Alternative perspectives / David Canning, Ramanan Laxminarayan. The benfits and costs of alternative strategies to improve educational outcomes / Peter F. Orazem, Paul Glewwe, and Harry Patrinos ; Alternative perspectives / Victor Lavy, Lant Pritchett. Climate change / Gary W. Yohe, [et al.] ; Alternative perspectives / Chris Green, Anil Markandya. Hunger and malnutrition / Sue Horton, Harold Alderman, and Juan A. Rivera ; Alternative perspectives / Reynaldo Martorell, Anil B. Deolalikar. Water and sanitation / Dale Whittington, [et al.] ; Alternative perspectives / Jennifer Davis, Frank R. Rijsberman, and Alix Peterson Zwane. The challenge of reducing international trade and migration barriers / Kym Anderson and L. Alan Winters ; Alternative perspectives / Alan V. Deardorff, Anthony J. Venables. Transnational terrorism / Todd Sandler, Daniel G. Arce, and Walter Enders ; Alternative perspectives / S. Brock Blomberg, Michael D. Intriligator. Women and development / Elizabeth M. King, Stephan Klasen, and Maria Porter ; Alternative perspectives / Lawerence Haddad, Aysit Tansel. Expert panel ranking / Jogdish Bhagwati, [et al.].

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