The private life of the genome : genetic information and the right to privacy / Iain Brassington.


Brassington, Iain

This innovative and engaging book argues that because our genetic information is directly linked to the genetic information of others, it is impossible to assert a 'right to privacy' in the same way that we can in other areas of life.

Introduction. Part I: Presumptions and Foundations. 1.Genes and Information Sharing. 2.What is Privacy? Part II: A Sceptic's Tour of Genetic Privacy Rights. 3.Rights to know and Duties no to. 4.What is a Privacy Right? 5.Other Ways to Think about Privacy Rights. 6.Privacy and Reasons to Disclose. Part III: Rebuilding Genetic Privacy Rights. 7.Reinventing Privacy. 8.Reinvention and Regulation..

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