Thriving : the breakthrough movement to regenerate nature, society, and the economy / Wayne Visser


Visser, Wayne. Auteur

Edited by Fast Company Press - 2022

An innovation agenda for tackling our biggest global societal challenges, including the climate emergency. Written by a top thinker in sustainability and responsible business, Thriving promotes change through innovation and transformation in nature, society, and the economy. It showcases new approaches in economics, business, and leadership to address a wide range of topics, including ecosystem destruction, species extinction, plastic waste, air pollution, gender equality, social justice, physical health, mental well-being, access to technology, job automation, pandemics, and climate change, among others. Thriving strives to: - Inform about why change is necessary and how it happens in society, as well as counter prevailing despair and pessimism about the state of the world with hope and optimism - Inspire with what change is possible and where it is already happening, showing how we can go from problems of breakdown to breakthrough solutions - Impel by creating a desire to turn information and inspiration into action, adding momentum to the growing regeneration movement .​Thriving is not an exercise in blind optimism in technology or other miracle-cure solutions; rather, it is an accessible approach to systems thinking and an offer of pragmatic hope based on purpose-driven creativity and innovation. Whether you're a professional in the sustainability field or someone who simply wants to be better informed about ways to take positive action, this thorough guide is for you.

The Great Reset – Thriving – Paradox - Regenerating Nature - Restoration - Renewal - Regenerating Society - Responsibility - Revitalization - Regenerating the Economy - Rewiring - Resilience - Regenerating Organizations - Integration - Leadership - Epilogue: Witness

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