Thirty Years of Publications in the International Review of Social Psychology (1988–2018): Genesis, Evolution and Development

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Degraeve, Béatrice | Rambaud, Stéphanie

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Ubiquity Press

International audience. When they became the first chief editors of the International Review of Social Psychology (IRSP), the goal of Robert Pagès and Janine Larrue was to provide better access to texts and research in social psychology. Their legacy continues and extends today. For the 30th anniversary of the journal, the following contribution intends to retrace its origins and evolutions. Following an overview of the history of IRSP, we propose to analyze the characteristics of the articles that have been published during the 30 years of existence of the journal and their evolution over time. For this purpose, we developed a database—available at:—containing the characteristics of the articles published between 1988 and May 1, 2018 (i.e., for each year: title of the articles, volume, type, authors’ names, sex and institutional affiliation, length and associated keywords). This database can be useful to browse IRSP’s literature and facilitate reference search, but can also be used for further research on the evolution of the scientific literature in social psychology (e.g., analysis of the characteristics of the authors/published contents of the field).

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