To what extent do an innovation system and cleaner technological regime affect the decision-making process of climate change adaptation? Evidence from wine producers in three wine clusters in France

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Boyer, James | Touzard, Jean-Marc

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Elsevier

International audience. This paper analyzes French winemakers' decision-making process to adapt to climate change, and how the institutional and relational context of an innovation system, including a clean technological regime, affect these decisions. Our study used a mixed method research based on original face-to-face interviews with 92 winemakers in three French regional wine clusters that have been affected by climate change: Bordeaux, Champagne and Languedoc. We perform a logistic model to tests how managers' personal backgrounds, wine-producing company characteristics, and innovation system components, including cleaner technological regime, might explain the adaptation decision-making process. Our results show that economic variables have little influence on climate change adaptation decision-making. On the contrary, variables expressing the relationship built by wine producing companies within the Innovation System, their involvement in organic wine production, and the manager's personal background affect the decision-making process to adapt to climate change. Furthermore, many of the adaptation strategies rely on adopting cleaner production approach. Our findings show that the decision-making process depends on networks and clean technological regimes embedded in an innovation system, with regional and sector dimensions.

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