An Agent-Based Modeling and Virtual Reality Application Using Distributed Simulation: Case of a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Possik, Jalal | Asgari, Asgari | Solis, Adriano | Zacharewicz, Grégory | Shafiee, Mohammad Ali | Najafabadi, Mahdi M. | Nadri, Nazanin | Guimaraes, Abel | Iranfar, Hossein | Ma, Philip | Lee, Christie M. | Tofighi, Mohammadali | Aarabi, Mehdi | Gorecki, Simon | Wu, Jianhong

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

International audience. Hospitals and other healthcare settings use various simulation methods to improve their operations, management, and training. The COVID-19 pandemic, with the resulting necessity for rapid and remote assessment, has highlighted the critical role of modeling and simulation in healthcare, particularly distributed simulation (DS). DS enables integration of heterogeneous simulations to further increase the usability and effectiveness of individual simulations. This article presents a DS system that integrates two different simulations developed for a hospital intensive care unit (ICU) ward dedicated to COVID-19 patients. AnyLogic has been used to develop a simulation model of the ICU ward using agent-based and discrete event modeling methods. This simulation depicts and measures physical contacts between healthcare providers and patients. The Unity platform has been utilized to develop a virtual reality simulation of the ICU environment and operations. The high-level architecture, an IEEE standard for DS, has been used to build a cloud-based DS system by integrating and synchronizing the two simulation platforms. While enhancing the capabilities of both simulations, the DS system can be used for training purposes and assessment of different managerial and operational decisions to minimize contacts and disease transmission in the ICU ward by enabling data exchange between the two simulations.

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