Alzheimer's disease in the middle-aged / Hyun Sil Jeong, editor


Edited by Nova Science Publishers - 2008

Mild cognitive impairment: current trends for early detection and treatment / Jena Kravitz [and others]. Age and disease effects on working memory / William J. McGeown and Annalena Venneri. Cognitive rehabilitation in middle-aged Alzheimer patients / Elisabetta Farina and Fabiana Villanelli. Helicobacter pylori infection and Alzheimer's disease: correlation of cerebrospinal fluid Helicobacter pylori IgG antibodies with disease severity / Jannis Kountouras [and others]. Spatial correlations between amyloid (A) deposits and blood vessels in early-onset Alzheimer's disease / R.A. Armstrong. A[beta] immunization in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease / I. Ferrer. Estimated premorbid IQ using Japanese version of national adult reading test in individuals with Alzheimer's disease / Keiko Matsuoka and Yoshiharu Kim. The longitudinal neurodegenerative impact of Alzheimer's disease on picture naming / Francisco Javier Moreno-Martínez [and others]. Differentiating dementia syndromes in the middle-aged patient / Cecile A. Marczinski and Estee C. Grant. Mid-life transistions: spousal experiences of coping with dementia of the Alzheimer type / Colleen MacQuarrie. Dementia in the middle aged in China / Li Qi [and others]. Evaluation of the progression of early-onset Alzheimer disease by using diffusion tensor imaging / Chen Shaoqiong, Yue Bingjun, and Kang Zhuang. The psychosocial neural sensorial alternative Alzheimer's theory / Luis Maria Sánchez de Machado. Early onset dementia: role of genetics in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's and frontotemporal lobar degeneration / Daniela Galimberti, Chiara Fenoglio, and Elio Scarpini. Epidemiology of dementia in a French speaking population: high age-related variability of simple bedside tests efficiencies / J.C. Bier [and others].

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