Sustainable investing : beating the market with ESG / Hanna Silvola, Tiina Landau


Silvola, Hanna. Auteur | Landau, Tiina. Auteur

Edited by Palgrave Macmillan - 2021

Part I. Basics of Sustainable Investing. Chapter 1. Motivation for Sustainable Investing--What Is the Purpose?. chapter 2. Methods of Sustainable Investing. Part II. Engaging with Investees. Chapter 3. Active Ownership. Part III. Sustainability in Investment Analysis. Chapter 4. Sustainability as Part of Qualitative Analysis. Chapter 5. ESG Analysis Tools for Assessing Listed Shares. Chapter 6. Sustainability of Various Investment Products. Part IV. The Link between Sustainability and Returns. Chapter 7. The Nordic Perspective on Integrating ESG. Chapter 8. Is Sustainable Investing Profitable?. Chapter 9. What Is the Profitability of Sustainability Based on?. Part V. Sustainability Trends and the Future of ESG. Chapter 10. Changes in International Politics and Legislation. Chapter 11. Sustainability Trends and International Frameworks. Chapter 12. Global Investment Trends and Impacts on Sustainable Investing.

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