"This book is a balanced narrative of European integration since its inception to the present, set in the postwar period, and it concludes by considering the EU's future in light of the aftermath of the global recession, the refug...
The Substantive Law of the EU : the four freedoms / Catherine Barnard
"The leading textbook on the four freedoms, popular with students and academics alike.This authoritative text offers a unique balance of comprehensive, detailed coverage in a concise and readable style, providing a critical and th...
European values : challenges and opportunities for EU governance / edited b...
Livre | 2018
L' essentiel du droit financier / Anne-Dominique Merville
Financial modeling and valuation : a practical guide to investment banking ...
Livre | Pignataro, Paul. Auteur | 2022 - Second edition
"Written by the founder and CEO of the world-renowned New York School of Finance, Financial Modeling and Valuation provides clear and systematic guidance on accurately evaluating the soundness of a stock investment. This invaluabl...
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