Qumran between the Old and New Testaments / Frederick H. Cryer and Thomas L. Thompson


Cryer, Frederick H.. Auteur | Thompson, Thomas L. (1939-....). Auteur

Edited by Sheffield Academic Press - 1998

The genre of 11QMelchizedek / Anders Aschim. The Essenes in Philo and Josephus / Per Bilde. The consciousness of belonging to God's covenant and what it entails according to the Damascus document and the community rule / Ellen Juhl Christiansen. Genesis in Qumran / Frederick H. Cryer. The mystery to come : early Essene theology of Revelation / Torleif Elgvin. The Isaiah scroll and the composition of the Book of Isaiah / Jesper Høgenhaven. The spirit in human beings in some Qumran non-biblical texts / Robert W. Kvalvaag. The understanding of community in the Old Testament / Niels Peter Lemche. The history of the Qumran community in the light of recently available texts / Florentino García Martínez. The use of Old Testament quotations in the Qumran community rule / Sarianna Metso. Qumran and LXX / Staffan Olofsson. The archaeology of Khirbet Qumran / Allan Rosengren Petersen. 4QTestimonia and Bible composition : a Copenhagen lego hyposthesis / Thomas L. Thompson. The significance of the texts from the Judean desert for the history of the text of the Hebrew Bible : a new synthesis / Emanuel Tov. The Tea cher of Righteousness, the history of the Qumran community, and our understanding of the Jesus movement : texts, theories and trajectories / Håkan Ulfgard. Historiography of Qumran : the sons of Zadok and their enemies / Ben Zion Wacholder.

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