Accuracy, robustness and behavior of the STICS soil–crop model for plant, water and nitrogen outputs: Evaluation over a wide range of agro-environmental conditions in France

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Coucheney, Elsa | Buis, Samuel | Launay, Marie | Constantin, Julie | Mary, Bruno | Garcia de Cortazar Atauri, Inaki | Ripoche, Dominique | Beaudoin, Nicolas | Ruget, Francoise | Andrianarisoa, Kasaina-Sitraka | Le Bas, Christine | Justes, Eric | Léonard, Joël

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Elsevier

Soil-crop models are increasingly used as predictive tools to assess yield and environmental impacts of agriculture in a growing diversity of contexts. They are however seldom evaluated at a given time over a wide domain of use. We tested here the performances of the STICS model (v8.2.2) with its standard set of parameters over a dataset covering 15 crops and a wide range of agropedoclimatic conditions in France. Model results showed a good overall accuracy, with little bias. Relative RMSE was larger for soil nitrate (49%) than for plant biomass (35%) and nitrogen (33%) and smallest for soil water (10%). Trends induced by contrasted environmental conditions and management practices were well reproduced. Finally, limited dependency of model errors on crops or environments indicated a satisfactory robustness. Such performances make STICS a valuable tool for studying the effects of changes in agro-ecosystems over the domain explored.

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