Advantages of Hybrid Organising in Social Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Norway

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Byrne, Janice | Janssen, Frank

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Senate Hall Academic Publishing

Article 1570. International audience. Hybrid organising within the context of social entrepreneurship is on the rise. At the sametime, social entrepreneurial ventures that adopt hybrid organising are often criticized. The literatureon hybridity points to particular challenges for social entrepreneurial ventures such as conflictinginstitutional logics and tensions related to their dual identity and/or mission drift. Drawing on theliterature on hybrid organising and social entrepreneurship, in this paper we take a contrary stanceand explore the positive aspects of hybrid organising in social entrepreneurship. We ask thefollowing research question: “What are the advantages of hybrid organising in socialentrepreneurship, if any”? Using a qualitative approach, this study theorizes two main advantagesof hybrid organising: sustainability of the organisational model and efficiency of the organisationalmodel. The article also discusses the implications for theory and practice.

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