Revue Trimestrielle des Droits de l'Homme



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International human rights : law and practice / Ilias Bantekas, Lutz Oette | Bantekas, Ilias. Author

International human rights : law and practice...

Book | Bantekas, Ilias. Author | 2020

A human rights textbook that combines law with practice and several other disciplines, including international relations, economics and anthropology, accurately demonstrating whether and how law meets the practice of human rights....

International human rights and humanitarian law : treaties, cases and analysis / Francisco Forrest Martin, Stephen J. Schnably, Richard J. Wilson... [et al.] |

International human rights and humanitarian l...

Book | 2006

The humanization of international law / by Theodor Meron | Meron, Theodor (1930-....). Author

The humanization of international law / by Th...

Book | Meron, Theodor (1930-....). Author | 2006

Introduction. The humanization of the law of war. Criminalization of violations of international humanitarian law. The law of treaties. Humanization of state responsability : from bilateralism to community concerns. Subjects of in...

Libertés et droits fondamentaux : maîtrise des connaissances et de la culture juridique / sous la direction de Rémy Cabrillac | Albiges, Christophe (1969-....). Author

Libertés et droits fondamentaux : maîtrise de...

Book | Albiges, Christophe (1969-....). Author | 2019

La 4ème de couv. indique : "Riche de quatre contributions, cet ouvrage traite dans toute leur ampleur et leur diversité les libertés et droits fondamentaux de la personne, prise en tant que telle mais aussi comme justiciable, cito...

Political theory of the digital age : where artificial intelligence might take us / Mathias Risse. | Risse, Mathias (1970-....)

Political theory of the digital age : where a...

Book | Risse, Mathias (1970-....)

In the era of far-reaching technological innovation, from artificial intelligence to Big Data, it is possible that there will be conscious machines in our lifetime. This book establishes a foundation for the philosophy of technolo...

Human rights in transition / edited by Nehal Bhuta. |

Human rights in transition / edited by Nehal ...


'Human Rights in Transition' combines rich theoretical reflections with practice-informed observations about human rights to consider the present, the recent and distant past, and the future of human rights.

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