A practical guide to soft skills : ethics, psychology, and communication / Richard Almonte


Almonte, Richard. Auteur

Edited by Routledge - 2022

"This accessible text overviews the range of soft skills sought after by employers and provides a practical guide to developing and effectively demonstrating these skills. Soft skills-including communication, customer service, teamwork, problem solving, and personal management-represent a major component of any worker's professional identity. This book analyzes major soft skills, including both inward facing soft skills (how workers manage themselves to effectively perform their work) and outward facing skills (how workers effectively interact with others and in groups). It explores how these skills are rooted in fundamental areas of liberal arts including interpersonal communication, psychology, and ethics. It provides an active learning pedagogy, including creative exercises and case studies through which students can assess their understanding of underlying concepts and their application in real-world situations. The book can be used as a supplement for communication, business, and career-oriented courses, and will be of interest to individual students and junior professionals as well as career counsellors, postsecondary instructors across the curriculum, and professionals in human resources and learning and development"--

Soft skills in a digital age. Part 1: The background to soft skills. Ethics. Psychology. Interpersonal communication. Part 2: Outward-facing soft skills. communication. Teamwork. Customer service orientation. Part 3: Inward-facing soft skills. Problem-solving orientation. Productivity and work ethic. Likability. Can soft skills be taught?.

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