The science and religion dialogue : past and future / [edited by] Michael Welker


Edited by Peter Lang Edition - 2014

The science and religion dialogue : past and future / Thomas Pfeiffer. The science and religion dialogue : past and future / Michael Welker. Opening address / John M. Templeton, Jr.. Commemorating Sir John Templeton (1912-2012) / Stephen Post. Science and religion dialogue / Michael Murray. The natural history of religion / Hans Joas. God and evolution / Martin A. Nowak. The search for truth / John Polinghorne. A contribution to the eschatology session / John Polkinghorne. Eschatology, anthropology, and concepts of law / Michael Welker. The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. the first seven yeras / Denis R. Alexander. Theological inquiry and the science and religion dialogue / Friederike Nussel and Robin Lovin. Science and redemption : the future of creation / Ted Peters. Scientific cosmology and the theologies of creation and redemption. The dialogue between science and religion in Russia / Cyril Hovorun. The role of thought expiraments in science and religion / Niels Henrik Gregersen. A postfoundationalist approach to theology and science / J. Wentzel van Huyssteen. Insiders and outsiders in 'religion and science' / Willem B. Drees. Cosmology and the human condition / Chris Impey. Note on formal reasoning in theology / Matthias Baaz. The search for evidence-based reality / G.A.D. Briggs. If the evolution of intelligence in inevitable, then what are the metaphysical consequences? / Simon Conway Morris. The use of metaphors when talking about the nature of organisms / Gunter P. Wagner. Atheism and analytical thinking / Kelly James Clark. Freedom within religion : religious ethics and social life / William Schweiker. The Templeton award and professional development for young scholars / Jan Stievermann. "The divine fire in all things" : Orthodox cosmology in dialogue with science / Daniel Munteanu. God's spirituality : the Trinitarian dynamics of prayer / Eva Harasta.

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