The age of responsibility : CSR 2.0 and the new DNA of business / Wayne Visser


Visser, Wayne. Auteur

Edited by John Wiley & Sons. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom - 2011

"The new generation of CSR In this landmark book Wayne Visser shows how the old model of Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility (CSR) is being replaced by a 2nd generation movement. This generation goes beyond the outmoded approach of CSR as philanthropy or public relations (widely criticised as 'greenwash') to a more interactive, stakeholder-driven model. Provides a 'second generation' approach to CSR that will breathe new life into the movement Can increase the effectiveness of CSR as a strategy to create positive change in society through business Acknowledges the challenges faced by conventional businesses and provides the measures needed to face these"--

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