Walk the talk : women, work, equity, effectiveness / Anjali Hazarika


Hazarika, Anjali. Auteur

Edited by SAGE - 2017

If we recognize that economic growth requires the efficient allocation of resources, then how can half of the world's population be prevented from making a full contribution? We acknowledge that women are different, yet fail to realize their potential as equals. We accept that women need to be empowered, yet debate who should take the lead and who the stakeholders are. This book grows directly out of the personal challenges the author grappled with, the conversations she has had with women in a variety of settings, and the constructive debates with corporate representatives and policy planners on how the process of change should be initiated. It asserts that the responsibility of enhancing gender diversity at the workplace does not lie entirely with the companies, although much work needs to be done by them, but with several stakeholders--the government, NGOs, men, and women themselves--all of whom need to work together to bring about an equitable environment for women at the workplace. When these stakeholders operate in isolation they are less effective; they add greater value when networked. --

Preface. Acknowledgments. Equality with a difference. In the shackles of stereotypes : even today. The tyranny of invisible barriers. Networks as catalysts for change. The skills for all seasons. Coaching in the rush hour of life. When the boss is a woman. Creating sanctuaries in work places. The ecosystem of empowerment. Index. About the author.

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