Managing innovation / Editeurs scientifiques : Jane Henry, David Walker


Henry, Jane (19..-....). Auteur | Walker, David (1933-....). Auteur

Edited by Sage - 1991

"Focusing on the processes of innovation in organizations and how these can be encouraged and managed, the book offers a mix of reviews of key topics alongside numerous case studies and practical ideas. The authors explore the nature of strategic innovation and visionary leadership. They address the creation of organizational environments in which innovation can flourish, and the issues involved in moving from creative idea to successful implementation. Examples of major entrepreneurs bring new products, or overall organizational transformation and renewal. The wide range of techniques and procedures described includes scenario planning and visioning, idea offices and creative incrementalism. The book concludes with overviews of the critical success factors for meeting the continual challenge to innovate and change. Capturing the current shift in management thinking and practice to a more organic flexible, human appreciation of organizational process, "Managing Innovation" aims to be useful reading for all managers, management students and teachers concerned with organizational innovation. It is a course reader for the Open University MBA." (

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