Governance and politics in the post-crisis European Union / edited by Ramona Coman, Amandine Crespy, Vivien A Schmidt


Coman, Ramona (1978-....). Directeur de publication | Crespy, Amandine (1982-....). Directeur de publication | Schmidt, Vivien Ann (1949-....). Directeur de publication

Edited by Cambridge University press - 2020

"An original textbook providing a much-needed new perspective on how the European Union's policies and institutions have changed in light of the multiple crises and transformations since 2010. Its unique critical perspective will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students of politics and European studies taking courses on the politics of the EU." (ed.)
"The European Union of today cannot be studied as it once was. This original new textbook provides a much-needed update on how the EU's policies and institutions have changed in light of the multiple crises and transformations since 2010. An international team of leading scholars offer systematic accounts on the EU's institutional regime, policies, and its community of people and states. Each chapter is structured to explain the relevant historical developments and institutional framework, presenting the key actors, the current controversies and discussing a paradigmatic case study. Each chapter also provides ideas for group discussions and individual research topics. Moving away from the typical, neutral account of the functioning of the EU, this textbook will stimulate readers' critical thinking towards the EU as it is today. It will serve as a core text for undergraduate and graduate students of politics and European studies taking courses on the politics of the EU, and those taking courses in comparative politics and international organizations including the EU.This textbook offers an up to date account of what has changed in the EU since the 2008-2010 crisis, comprising of chapters provided by leading international scholars conducting cutting-edge research on each topic at stake. Each chapter presents a specific case study to illustrate the topic at stake, with a critical discussion of the benefits but also problematic implications of European integration ; includes boxes detailing key dates, key concepts, key actors, and the relevant legal basis ; offers questions which can be used for student debates and topics for further individual research." (ed)

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