Bioethics and the future of medicine : a Christian appraisal / edited by John F. Kilner, Nigel M. de S. Cameron, and David L. Schiedermayer


Edited by Paternoster Press ; William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. - 1995

The extensive attention devoted to abortion has led Christians for too long to overlook much of the exploding bioethics agenda. Moreover, to focus only on 'issues' is to fail to address the profound changes taking place in the very nature of the medical profession. This book signals the commitment of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity to help expand the church's bioethical vision and to foster a more substantial Christian contribution to the public debate

The Christian stake in bioethics : the state of the question / Nigel M. De S. Cameron. The medical profession in modern society : the importance of defining limits / H. Jochemsen, S. Strijbos, J. Hoogland. Daniel versus Saul : toward a distinctly Christian biomedical ethics / Loreen A. Herwaldt. Physician values and value neutrality / John F. Peppin. Ethical problems in the clinical study of religion and health / David B. Larson, Mary A. Greenwold. The profession at the fault line : the ethics of physician income / David L. Schiedermeyer. Luther's 'freedom of a Christian' and a patient's autonomy / Allen D. Verhey. Saying the unsaid : quality of life criteria in a sanctity of life position / Jerome R. Wernow. Bioethics in the shadow of Nietzsche / Stephen N. Williams. Bioethics and the church / C. Ben Mitchell. Christian and secular decision-making in clinical ethics / Robert D. Orr. Doing bioethics : Christian ethics, pastoral care and public policy / Dennis P. Hollinger. Post-abortion syndrome-- fact or fiction / Stephanie J. Smith. Abortifacient vaccines : technological update and Christian appraisal / Lawrence F. Roberge. From personhood to bodily autonomy : the shifting legal focus in the abortion debate / Francis J. Beckwith. The Bible and abortion : what of the 'image of God'? / Dónal P. O'Mathúna. Abortion : responsibility and moral betrayal / Christine D. Pohl. Pregnancy for profit? : legal and moral perspectives on commercial surrogate motherhood / Scott B. Rae. Clones, chimeras and the image of God : lessons from Barthian bioethics / R. Geoffrey Brown. Advance directives : the case for greater dialogue / Peter L. Jaggard. The 'right to die' in the light of contemporary rights-rhetoric / J. Daryl Charles. Until death shall be no more : Christian care for the dying / Greg W. Rutecki. Rationing and health care reform / John F. Kilner.

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