Evidence-based practice : logic and critical thinking in medicine / Milos Jenicek, David L. Hitchcock


Jenicek, Milos (1934-....). Auteur | Hitchcock, David L.. Auteur

Edited by AMA Press - 2005

Complete and flawless evidence is not enough to make valid and valuable treatment choices. If the interpretation of the evidence is not logically sound or if it is used uncritically, a patient could be harmed. Harm might also occur by a logically flawless use of poor or poorly evaluated evidence. This book provides easy access to fundamental principles, quickly assimilated techniques, and proven, rigorous application that demonstrates how logic and critical thinking are applied to the medical thinking process. This marriage allows health professionals to understand the critical use of evidence logically and in a structured, methodological way to make medical decisions. Such uses of evidence are the essence of Evidence-Based Practice as reflected in the spirit of this book

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