Work psychology in action / Anna Sutton


Sutton, Anna. Auteur

Edited by Palgrave Macmillan - 2015

"A new introductory text for modules in work psychology. Written for business and psychology students, it bridges the gap between business and psychology, making the psychological theories accessible to business students and providing psychology students with an understanding of how key business priorities inform psychology"--

Part 1. Business is about people. 1. What is work psychology ? ; 2. Finding and measuring talent ; 3. Developing and retaining talent ; 4. Motivating people ; 5. Communicating effectively ; 6. Building effective teams ; 7. Leadership : the good, the bad and the ugly. Part 2. Surviving and thriving at work. 8. More than just survival ; Managing change ; 9. Stress and well-being at work ; 10. Positive psychology at work. Part 3. Cutting edge psychology. 11. Contemporary topics in work psychology ; 12. The realities of research in business psychology. Glossary.

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