Universal basic income and the threat to democracy as we know it / Peter Nelson


Nelson, Peter L. Auteur

Edited by Business Expert Press - 2018

1. Introduction. 2. The future of employment. 3. Progression of disappearing jobs. 4. Prospects for new jobs. 5. Climate change. 6. Universal or unconditional basic income. 7. Benefits of a UBI. 8. Shortcomings of a UBI. 9. Gender divide. 10. What will need to change. 11. Funding. 12. Legal framework. 13. What people do without jobs. 14. Structural fluidity. 15. Democracy as it is understood. 16. The other side of democracy. 17. Evolving political framework. 18. Adjusting to change. 19. Military intervention. 20. Time frame. 21. Will democracy survive?. 22. What can be done for democracy to survive. 23. Remaining questions. About the author. Index.

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