Persuasion : the hidden forces that influence negotiations / Jasper Kim


Kim, Jasper. Auteur

Edited by Routledge - 2018

La p. de garde indique : "Persuasion: The Hidden Forces that Influence Negotiations represents the first book of its kind to package and present persuasion principles in an innovative, international, and interdisciplinary fashion. This easy-to-understand book is the culmination of seminal research findings spanning across decades and disciplines--psychology, philosophy, negotiations, decision-making, logic, law, and economics, among others--from leading experts around the world. Persuasion provides a series of short, simple-to-use intellectual tools to go above and beyond merely describing "what to think"--but "how to think" in a persuasion, influence, and negotiation context--across a diverse array of disciplines, sectors, and situations from boardrooms to classrooms for the twenty-first century."

Foreword. Part I. Behavioralists: pride and prejudice : 1. Influences: inside the invisible influences of persuasion. 2. Judgments: the mind's surprising shortcuts toward judgments. 3. Biases: the blind side of hidden biases. 4. Perceptions: how perceptions bend realities. Part II. Rationalists: sense and sensibility : 5. Strategies: knowing when to keep calm and carry on. 6. Expectations: how to value great expectations. 7. Elements: creative ways to supersize the pie. 8. Reasonings: making sense of nonsensical statements. Index.

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