The Oxford handbook of comparative political theory / edited by Leigh K. Jenco, Murad Idris, and Megan C. Thomas


Jenco, Leigh K. (1977-....). Directeur de publication | Idris, Murad. Directeur de publication | Thomas, Megan Christine (1970-....). Directeur de publication

Edited by Oxford university press - 2020

"This volume provides an entry point into the burgeoning field of comparative political theory by both synthesizing and challenging the terms which motivate it. Over the course of five thematic sections and thirty-three chapters, this volume surveys the field of comparative political theory, bringing the many approaches to the field into conversation for the first time. Sections address geographic location as a subject of political theorizing; how the past becomes akey site for staking political claims; the politics of translation and appropriation; the justification of political authority; and questions of disciplinary commitment and rules of knowledge."

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