Pathways for peace : inclusive approaches to preventing violent conflict / World Bank Group, United Nations


Edited by World Bank - 2018

Présentation de l'éditeur : "The case for prevention of violent conflict has never been stronger. After declining steadily for decades, violent conflict has increased dramatically since 2010. Battle-related deaths, refugee numbers, and terrorist incidents have all reached historic highs, resulting in ever increasing peacekeeping budgets. This escalation in violent conflict has renewed the commitment to addressing the risk of violence early on, and in a coordinated way. More countries are affected by violent conflict today than at any time in the past 30 years. This includes middle-income countries, where over 70 percent of conflicts take place today. In 2016, 80 percent of battle-related deaths were due to 7 to 8 conflicts. However, lower intensity violence taking place in several countries also took a huge toll on societies and economies. By 2030, more than half of the world's poor will be in countries affected by high levels of violence. [This book] reaffirms that prevention is universal, takes time to accomplish, and is part and parcel of economic and social development. Prevention fosters inclusive societies where people have opportunity and can live without the fear of long-term violence. This report is a first step in working jointly to address the immense challenge of preventing violent conflict. It also explores concrete ways that countries and the international community can combine tools and approaches to reduce violent conflict. This in turn will contribute to reduce the immense suffering and devastating long-term impacts that violent conflict inflicts on societies."

Introduction. Prevention of violent conflict works and is cost-effective ; Why, then, is there so little belief in the prevention of violent conflict? ; What is the prevention of violent conflict? ; Can prevention of violent conflict be done differently? ; The importance of agency to prevention. A surge and expansion of violent conflict. Violent conflict in the twenty-first century ; Understanding trends in violent conflict ; The unacceptable costs of violent conflict ; How violent conflicts end. The need for prevention in an interdependent world. An international system in search of a new equilibrium ; Risk and opportunity in an increasingly connected world. Pathways for peace. A framework for peaceful pathways ; Path dependency of violence ; The centrality of actors ; Understanding risk and opportunity ; Prevention and sustaining peace : building peaceful pathways ; Scenarios for pathways to peace or violence. Why people fight : inequality, exclusion, and a sense of injustice. Inequality and violent conflict ; The multiple and intersecting dimensions of exclusion ; Exclusion, identity, grievances, and mobilization to violence. What people fight over : arenas of contestation. Risk and opportunity in the arenas of contestation ; The arena of power and governance ; The arena of land and natural resources ; The arena of service delivery ; The arena of security and justice. Country approaches to preventing violent conflict. Navigating transition moments ; Changing actors' incentives ; Addressing institutional weaknesses ; Investing in structural factors. The international architecture for prevention. Systemic prevention ; Regional action ; International tools for prevention ; International development assistance ; Areas of convergence between diplomatic, security, and development instruments. Pursuing pathways for peace : recommendations for building inclusive approaches for prevention. Principles for prevention ; An agenda for action : prevention in practice ; Organizing for prevention ; A call for action. Appendix A: Thematic papers and case studies.

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