Life choices : a Hastings Center introduction to bioethics / edited by Joseph H. Howell and William F. Sale


Edited by Georgetown University Press - 1995

Can ethics provide answers? / James Rachels. The role of emotion in ethical decisionmaking / Sidney Callahan. The burden of decision / Alexander Morgan Capron. What about the family? / John Hardwig. The family in medical decisionmaking / Jeffrey Blustein. Abortion : the right to an argument / Gilbert Meilaender. Is there life after Roe v. Wade? / Mary B. Mahowald. Abortion : listening to the middle / Edward A. Langerak. Àbortion pill' RU-486 : ethics, rhetoric, and social practice / Lisa Sowle Cahill. Knowing when to stop : the limits of medicine / Nancy S. Jecker --Terminating treatment : age as a standard / Daniel Callahan. Triage in the ICU / Robert D. Truog. Is consent useful when resuscitation isn't? / Giles R. Scofield. In death's shadow : the meanings of withholding resuscitation / Kathleen Nolan. Must patients always be given food and water? / Joanne Lynn and James F. Childress. Standards of judgment for treatment / edited by Arthur Caplan and Cynthia B. Cohen. Deciding not to employ aggressive measures / edited by Arthur Caplan and Cynthia B. Cohen. Anencephalic donors : separating the dead from the dying / Alexander Morgan Capron. Assisted suicide : pro-choice or anti-life? / Richard Doerflinger. When self-determination runs amok / Daniel Callahan. Voluntary active euthanasia / Dan W. Brock. Artificial means of reproduction and our understanding of the family / Ruth Macklin. Reproductive gifts and gift giving : the altruistic woman / Janice G. Raymond. What price parenthood? / Paul Lauritzen. Genetic diagnosis of human embryos / Andrea Bonnicksen. Not all that glitters is gold / Barbara Katz Rothman. Resolving disputes over frozen embryos / John A. Robertson. The case against thawing unused frozen embryos / David T. Ozar. My body, my property / Lori B. Andrews. An alternative to property rights in human tissue / Margaret S. Swain and Randy W. Marusyk. Organ procurement : it's not in the cards / Arthur L. Caplan. Designated organ donation : private choice in social context / Eike-Henner W. Kluge. Rights, symbolism, and public policy in fetal tissue transplants / John A. Robertson. Genug ist Genug : a fetus is not a kidney / Kathleen Nolan. The ethical options in transplanting fetal tissue / Mary B. Mahowald, Jerry Silver, and Robert A. Ratcheson. First fruits : genetic screening / Kathleen Nolan. Genetic secrets : social issues of medical screening in a genetic age / Elaine Draper. Bad axioms in genetic engineering / C. Keith Boone. Genetics and human malleability / W. French Anderson.

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