Political ideologies : an introduction / Andrew Heywood


Heywood, Andrew. Auteur

Edited by Red Globe Press - 2021

"Offering an unparalleled survey of the political ideologies that have shaped our world, the seventh edition of Andrew Heywood's seminal undergraduate textbook continues to lead the way in guiding us through the creeds and doctrines that have dominated politics past and present. First covering traditional ideologies such as conservatism, socialism, liberalism, anarchism, and fascism, it then moves onto exploring more contemporary movements including populism, feminism, green ideology, multiculturalism and religious fundamentalism. Taking into account the remarkable events that have shaken the political sphere in recent years, the text has been updated throughout to show how the study of political ideologies can help make sense of developments like the decline of liberal democracy and the rise of populist movements around the world"--Back cover

1. Understanding Political Ideologies. 2. Liberalism. 3. Conservatism. 4. Socialism. 5. Anarchism. 6. Nationalism. 7. Fascism. 8. Populism. 9. Feminism. 10. Ecologism. 11. Multiculturalism. 12. Fundamentalism. 13. Why Political Ideologies Matter.

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