Community, scale, and regional governance : a postfunctionalist theory of governance. Volume II / Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks


Hooghe, Liesbet (1962-....). Auteur

Edited by Oxford University Press - 2016

This is the second of five volumes theorizing the structure of governance above and below the central state. This book is written for those interested in the character, causes, and consequences of governance within the state. The book argues that juristictional design is shaped by functional and communal pressures. Functional pressures arise from the character of the public goods provided by government: their scale economies, externalisties, and informational asymmetries. However, to explain demands for self-rule one needs to understand how people think and act in relation to the communities they conceive themselves belonging. The authors demonstrate: the scale and community explain basic features of governance, including the growth of multiple tiers over the past six decades; how jurisdictions are designed; why governance within the state has become differentiated; and the extent to which regions exert authority. -- book jacket

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