Management : an introduction / David Boddy,...


Boddy, David (19..-....). Auteur

Edited by Pearson - 2017

This is an accessible and academically rigorous guide to the themes and functions of management. It contains in depth case studies that examine key management issues in a broad range of organisations, from Apple and Virgin to the British Heart Foundation, and Management in Practice features insights into contemporary management activities. Entrepreneurship, sustainability, governance and internationalization are integrated throughout, giving clear guidance on how students can further their understanding of these key topics

Preface to the seventh edition. Preface to the first edition. Acknowledgements. An introduction to management. Managing in organisations. Models of management. The environment of management. Organisation cultures and contexts. Managing internationally. Corporate responsibility. Planning. Decision making. Managing strategy. Managing marketing. Case: the virgin group. Organisation structure. Human resource management. Information systems and e-business. Creativity, innovation and change. Leading. Influencing. Motivating. Communicating. Teams. Controlling. Managing operations and quality. Performance measurement and control. Finance and budgetary control. Glossary. References. Index.

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