Applied ethics : a reader / edited by Earl R. Winkler and Jerrold R. Coombs


Edited by Blackwell. Oxford [England], Cambridge [Mass.] - 1993

Aristotle, Foucault and progressive phronesis : outline of an applied ethics for sustainable development / Bent Flyvbjerg. Scientific knowledge, discourse ethics, and consensus formation in the public domain / Matthias Kettner. Citizen virtues in a technological order / Langdon Winner. Taking consent seriously : feminist practical ethics and acutal moral dialogue / Alison Jaggar. Rule utilitarianism and applied ethics / R.I. Sikora. Moral philosophy as a subversive activity / James Rachels. Trust and distrust of moral theorists / Annette Baier. Socratic skepticism / Roger Wertheimer. Moral theorizing and moral practice : reflections on some of the sources of hypocrisy / Nancy (Ann) Davis. How to think systematically about business ethics / Michael Philips. Corporate roles, personal virtues : an Aristotelian approach to business ethics / Robert C. Solomon. Moral philosophy and business ethics : the priority of the political / Alistair M. Macleod. Business ethics and stakeholder analysis / Kenneth Goodpaster. Philosophy and its host : the case of business ethics / Michael Yeo. Environmental ethics : values in and duties to the natural world / Holmes Rolston III. Re-valuing nature / Lori Gruen. Ethics, public policy, and global warming / Dale Jamieson. Morality, rationality, and politics : the greenhouse dilemma / Peter Danielson. From Kantianism to contextualism : the rise and fall of the paradigm theory in bioethics / Earl R. Winkler. Can ethnography save the life of medical ethics? / Barry Hoffmaster. Ethics codes and guidelines for health care and research : can respect for autonomy be a multi-cultural principle? / Edward W. Keyserlingk. The functions and limitations of professional codes of ethics / Dale Beyerstein.

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