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Provoked to speech : biblical hermeneutics as conversation / edited by R. Bieringer, R. Burggraeve, E. Nathan & M. Steegen
Edited by Peeters. Leuven, Walpole, MA - 2014
This book is unique in presenting biblical hermeneutics in action. The present volume brings together contributions that can be grouped into three parts. In the first part, Emmanuel Nathan, Marianne Moyaert, Ming Yeung Cheung, Pierre Van Hecke and Roger Burggraeve each reflect on the relevance of a meaningful Biblical hermeneutics in order to adequately (re-)engage the Bible today. In the second part, Emmanuel Nathan, Marianne Moyaert, David Dessin, Roger Burggraeve, Sydney Palmer and Martijn Steegen delve into specific biblical texts in search of their deeper philosophical and theological insights. In the third and final part, Ineke Cornet, Martin Kallungal, Thomas Vollmer, Annette Aronowicz and Reimund Bieringer offer specialised hermeneutical reflections on how the Bible has been, and can be, engaged in different contexts. Viewed as a whole, the contributions contained in this volume resonate with a view of biblical hermeneutics as an ongoing and dialogical process and, so doing, demonstrate that the Bible, far from being a venerable object of the past, continues to engage us in meaningful conversation today