The political economy reader : markets as institutions / edited by Naazneen H. Barma and Steven K. Vogel


Edité par Routledge. New York - 2008

This reader combines in a single volume the key writings of classical and contemporary thinkers on political economy, providing both a theoretical approach to understanding capitalism and a survey of the varieties of capitalism around the world today

An inquiry into the nature and cause of the wealth of nations / Adam Smith. The Communist manifesto / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The national system of political economy / Friedrich List. The road to serfdom / Friedrich A. Hayek. Capitalism and freedom / Milton Friedman. The great transformation / Karl Polanyi. The architecture of markets / Neil Fligstein. Structure and change in economic history / Douglass C. North. The economic institutions of capitalism / Oliver E. Williamson. The stages of economic growth / W.W. Rostow. Economic backwardness in historical perspective / Alexander Gerschenkron. The wealth and poverty of nations / David S. Landes. The market system / Charles E. Lindblom. MITI and the Japanese miracle / Chalmers Johnson. Varieties of capitalism / Peter A. Hall and David Soskice. The virtues of capitalism / Arthur Seldon. "Why freer markets need more rules" / Steven K. Vogel. The end of poverty / Jeffrey D. Sachs. Globalization and its discontents / Joseph E. Stiglitz. China and globalization / Doug Guthrie. The poverty of "development economics" / Deepak Lal. "The myths of the market and the common history of late developers" / Kiren Aziz Chaudhry. "The mystery of capital" / Hernando de Soto. The Lexus and the olive tree / Thomas L. Friedman. How revolutionary was the digital revolution? / Abraham Newman and John Zysman. The retreat of the state / Susan Strange. Global political economy / Robert Gilpin.

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