Which babies shall live? : humanistic dimensions of the care of imperiled newborns / edited by Thomas H. Murray and Arthur L. Caplan


Edited by Humana Press - 1985

This book discusses such poignant themes as the suffering so often associated with neonatal care, including not only that of the infants themselves, but also that of their parents and caretakers. Authors assess the moral significance of this suffering, scrutinize the conflict between science and society over the 'what is best for the infant' principle, and examine the legal concept of privacy as an important element in the refusal of care for seriously ill newborns. -- Source jacquette

Caring for babies in danger : the evolution and current state of neonatology / Alan R. Fleischman. Science and controversy in the history of infancy in America / Joseph F. Kett. Response to "Science and controversy in the history of infancy in America" / Margaret O'Brien Steinfels. Which babies shall live? : comment on "Science and controversy in the history of infancy in America" / Alan J. Weisbard. Our religious traditions and the treatment of infants / Davis H. Smith. "Suffer the little children ." : suffering and neonatal intensive care / Thomas H. Murray. Ethical principals for the care of imperiled newborns : towards an ethic of ambiguity / John D. Arras. Right to privacy as a protection for the right to refuse care for the imperiled newborn / Nancy N. Dubler. Tyranny of the normal / Leslie A. Fiedler. Comment on "The tyranny of the normal" / Ruth Macklin. Consensus and controversy in the treatment of catastrophically ill newborns : report of a survey / Betty Wolder Levin.

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