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Supply chain logistics management / Donald J. Bowersox,...

Livre | Bowersox, Donald J. (1932-....). Auteur | 2010 - 3e édition

Supply chain logistics management / Donald J. Bowersox,... David J. Closs,....

Livre | Bowersox, Donald J. (1932-....). Auteur | 2007 - 2nd edition

Supply chain logistics management.

Livre | Bowersox, Donald J. - Sixth edition

This textbook examines traditional logistics issues within the context of the supply chain. It provides a solid foundation that clearly describes the role of logistics within the supply chain.1. 21st Century Supply Chains2. Supply...

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Principles of supply chain management : a balanced approach / Joel D. Wisne...

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Designing and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case st...

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Supply chain management : strategy, planning and operation / Sunil Chopra

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Supply Chain Management introduces high-level strategy and concepts while giving students the practical tools necessary to solve supply chain problems. Using a strategic framework, students are guided through all of the key driver...

La distribution / Marc Vandercammen, Nelly Jospin-Pernet

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Logistique & supply chain / Michel Fender, Yves Pimor

Livre | Fender, Michel. Auteur | 2016 - 7e édition

La 4e de couverture indique : "Référence incontournable, la 7e édition actualisée de cet ouvrage offre une synthèse opérationnelle complète sur la logistique et la supply chain, en donnant toutes les clés pour : concevoir et mettr...

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