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aPrésentation de l'ouvrage sur le site Internet de l'éditeur : "Banks are of central importance for economic growth, the allocation of capital, competitiveness, and financial stability. Propelled by technological advances in finan...

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La 4e de couv. indique : "Over the past twenty years, the study of industrial organization--the analysis of imperfectly competitive markets--has grown from a niche area of microeconomics to a key component of economics and of rela...

Introduction to industrial organization / Luís M. B. Cabral

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Modern industrial organization / Dennis W. Carlton, Jeffrey M. Perloff

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Modern industrial organization : selected chapters from : modern industrial...

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Industrial organization : competition, strategy, policy / John Lipczynski, ...

Livre | Lipczynski, John. Auteur | 2005 - 2nd edition

Économie industrielle / Karine Chapelle,...

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