International organization and global governance / edited by Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson


Edited by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group - 2018

Présentation de l'éditeur : "Completely revised and updated for the second edition, this textbook continues to offer the most comprehensive resource available for all interested in international organization and global governance. The book offers: in-depth and accessible coverage of the history and theories of international organization and global governance ; discussions of the full range of state, intergovernmental, and non-state actors ; examinations of key issues in all aspects of contemporary world politics. New additions to this edition include: new and revised chapters on theories of international organization and global governance ; new substantive chapters on global corporations, China, financial markets, terrorist organizations, governing global energy, and the Internet ; updated contributions to reflect the changing nature of world politics. The book comprises fifty-four chapters arranged in seven parts and woven together by a comprehensive introduction to the field, along with separate introductions to each part to guide students and faculty, and helpful pointers to further reading. International Organization and Global Governance is a self-contained resource enabling readers to comprehend more fully the role of myriad actors in the governance of global life as well as to assemble the many pieces of the contemporary global governance puzzle."

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