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Contract law in Hong Kong / Michael J. Fisher and Desmond G. Greenwood
Edited by Hong Kong University Press, The University of Hong Kong - 2018
"[This book provides] case illustrations, including 110 new cases reported since the publication of the second edition. While most developments in the subject have been common law ones, the recent--and belated--Hong Kong statutory changes in relation to privity of contract have been dealt with, though jurisprudence thereon is still lacking. The first two chapters introduce the major themes and explain the multiple sources of law in Hong Kong. The subsequent thirteen chapters cover the formation of a valid contract, its contents, 'vitiating' elements, the consequences of illegality, the termination of contracts and remedies for breach of contract. The book concludes with an explanation of the doctrine of privity and the legislative reform of the operation of privity in Hong Kong. Particular attention is given to what makes Hong Kong law different from other common law jurisdictions, and to the continuing significance of English case law in Hong Kong and the theoretical and practical reasons for this."--