Diplomacy / Henry Kissinger


Kissinger, Henry (1923-....). Auteur

Edited by Simon and Schuster - 1994

The new world order. The hinge : Theodore Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson. From university to equilibrium : Richelieu, William of Orange, and Pitt. The concert of Europe : Great Britain, Austria, and Russia. Two revolutionaries : Napoleon III and Bismarck. Realpolitik turns on itself. A political doomsday machine : European diplomacy before the First World War. Into the vortex : the military doomsday machine. The new face of diplomacy : Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles. The dilemmas of the victors. Stresemann and the re-emergence of the vanquished. The end of illusion : Hitler and the destruction of Versailles. Stalin's bazaar. The Nazi-Soviet pact. America re-enters the arena : Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

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